HOW-TO: VNC secure tunneling using Windows PuttY ssh client. Objective: Getting secure (and fast) connection from Windows environment to remote VNC server behind router/firewall (such as FREESCO) with ssh server installed. Achieved results: Secure connection to remote desktop using open …

Option 2, Part 1: Set Up an SSH Tunnel to the Master Node Windows users can use an SSH client such as PuTTY to create an SSH tunnel to the master node. Before connecting to the Amazon EMR master node, you should download and install PuTTY and PuTTYgen. Use SSH tunneling to access Azure HDInsight | Microsoft® Docs Create a tunnel using PuTTY. PuTTY is a graphical SSH client for Windows. If you aren't familiar with PuTTY, see the PuTTY documentation. Use the following steps to create an SSH tunnel using PuTTY: Create or load a session. Open PuTTY and ensure Session is selected on the left menu. RDP over ILO4 SSH Tunnel using putty (plink) - Hewlett

Configure Firefox to use the Putty SSH tunnel as a SOCKS

PuTTY does not implement an X11 server (the display side), but it can work with some other product that implements X server functionality on Windows. A popular free alternative is XMing. To use an X11 server, you need to check the Enable X11 forwarding box and enter localhost:0.0 in the X display location box. The other settings need not be

PuTTY grew out of a telnet client. It still supports the telnet protocol. However, very few devices use telnet these days. Its use is not recommended for security reasons. Telnet sends all user names and passwords in the clear. It is very easy to listen to network traffic and steal user names and passwords from telnet traffic. By mid-1990s start putty -ssh myusername@myLinuxBox -pw my_pw -L 2000:localhost:2000 Store this in a batch file (file extension ".bat", e.g. "tunnel.bat"). So every time you double-click on this file the command is run and putty creates the ssh tunnel. If you want more tunnels just repeat this part-L 2000:localhost:2000. by changing the ports accordingly. PuTTY does not implement an X11 server (the display side), but it can work with some other product that implements X server functionality on Windows. A popular free alternative is XMing. To use an X11 server, you need to check the Enable X11 forwarding box and enter localhost:0.0 in the X display location box. The other settings need not be Set up the tunnel. Create a session in PuTTY and then select the Tunnels tab in the SSH section. In the Source port text box enter 3306. This is the port PuTTY will listen on on your local machine. It can be any standard Windows-permitted port. In the Destination field immediately below Source port enter This means, from the