On ONI's Web page you can find an interactive map that shows which countries censor the Internet. Reporters Without Borders also concerns itself with Internet censorship, although the group's scope extends beyond Internet practices.

Nov 28, 2017 · Internet censorship: It's on the rise and Silicon Valley is helping it happen. Instead of opposing the internet barriers raised by the world's authoritarian regimes, Silicon Valley is playing along. Apr 16, 2012 · An interactive map The OpenNet Initiative has analysed government interference with the internet in 74 countries. The level of tampering in four categories is graded out of four in each country. In terms of Internet Censorship Restriction, the United States is one of the least problematic. OK, then why was it marked as a censorship country on the Internet Censorship map? These reports show while the US may not censor information, they certainly view all of the information and store it in secret data servers, even private information. Dec 16, 2019 · Internet Censorship The Palantir-Google difference over Project Maven is at the heart of an inflection point technology companies are wrestling with. Working on projects your organization’s ethics support is an easy call. This very much depends on what you consider censorship. Most countries enforce legal content in their country so that websites that host content that is illegal will likely be shut down. Jul 01, 2019 · Because internet censorship is a threat to democracy and freedom of expression, let’s take a look at which countries have the strictest controls, what measures they have in place, and how their May 20, 2019 · Due to the nature of the Internet, the task of removal proved very difficult. But eventually, the government succeeded — using controversial tactics usually associated with Internet censorship by authoritarian regimes. For some, the action of one highly democratic nation was a worrying reminder that Internet freedom should not be taken for

Internet censorship - Wikipedia

File:Internet Censorship and Surveillance World Map.svg This map summarizes the classifications given in the Internet censorship and surveillance article. Some of the main sources summarized in that article are no longer being updated. A discussion on the article's talk page has been started to develop a plan for how to deal with this on into the future. Please join the discussion to help maintain the quality of the article. Online Censorship in the States | American Civil Liberties

Report it to Herdict, where users around the world can report site blockage to create a global map of Internet censorship. You can submit a report via the Herdict reporter or using Twitter or e-mail .

USA: How Congress censored the Internet. In passing SESTA/FOSTA, lawmakers failed to separate their good intentions from bad law. This statement was originally published on eff.org on 21 March 2018.. Today was a dark day for the Internet. Internet Censorship Around The World | IVPN